Thursday 17 January 2013

Date Night

Our last date night was in August - I know ridiculous! My mom and dad offered to watch Parker for a few hours last Thursday night so we could get out and just relax. Ha ha yes, I said relax, but it's kind of hard to relax when a lot of the time I was thinking about Parker and what he was up to. He loves his grammy and poppa so I knew there would be no problems - in fact, I tried to say goodbye to him several times but he was too occupied playing house with his grandparents.

We travelled to the big city of Napanee (it probably took us about five minutes <insert smiley face>) and had dinner at the one and only restaurant in town, Shoeless Joes.

Of all things to order, I got chicken wings and fries ~ it was the blue cheese dipping sauce that I just couldn't resist! Can you see how excited I was??!! Rob's steak looked really good too. I should have asked for a bite!

Dinner took less than an hour and we thought we'd kind of seem REALLY lame if we went back to Parker so soon so naturally, we went shopping ~ to Walmart! Ha ha.

We picked up some essentials and two things for Parker - like I said he was on our minds the whole time!

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