Thursday, 24 January 2013

Shopping In The U.S. of 'A

Oh my goodness we had an awesome day! Parker and I left the house at 7:30 and picked up Grammy and then we drove to Watertown, New York to do some serious shopping. Last week I sent a quick e-mail to my mom saying that I really wanted to go to Tar-Jay and her reply was "I'm game!" 

We arrived at 9:30 a.m. and we shopped at target until noon. Honestly, talk about my new favourite store. I have absolutely fallen. in love.!!! Target carries everything imaginable from clothing, to office supplies, home decor and groceries. Rumour has it that Target will be opening in Kingston, Ontario in April 2013 and all I can say is Rob, we might have a problem. This is coming from a gal who didn't really embrace colour for the past couple of years - i.e. all of our furniture is dark - but I've quickly learned that it's nice to have pops of colour and patterns throughout out your decor. It's kind of strange how it makes you feel when you see some lime green, bright blue and orange hues ~ almost makes you smile and say "Hello colour, I didn't know you existed!! '

We had an amazing shopping trip and I should have told the VERY nice man at "duty" (who let us pass without paying a cent) that we shopped until the little man dropped! We got fuel at 3:00 pm and Parker was fast asleep in his carseat by 3:01 p.m. I can't wait to organize and display all of our goodies from today's shopping spree (and a spree it really was because I honestly don't shop EVERY day but when I go on a spree, it does seem like there really is a use for everything, even though I didn't know I needed things lol). Here are a couple of cute pictures of Parker during our day in the U.S. of 'A. 

Parker "playing" the in arcade. 

We all need our caffine fix!

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Train Table + 1 Year Old = Disaster

We bought the boys a train table (from kijiji = great price!!) for Christmas. We thought it was the perfect gift for Alex and one that Parker would "grown into".

As expected, Alex loves playing with the train table. 

We know Parker loves any toy that has wheels but what we didn't realize was that he would have more fun throwing the train tracks on the floor. Easy solution -  we got a bin to store the track pieces when they're not in use.

This past weekend, Parker showed us how much fun it was to play in the storage bin and as you probably guessed, he continued to throw the track pieces onto the ground while screaming (in a really high pitch) with glee.  

So we've decided that our train table needs to be revamped to be suitable for a one year which will also mean that Alex won't have to keep rebuilding the track. We are also hoping to score a couple more buildings this weekend so we will keep you updated! 

Desk Update - Meet Micke

What a whirlwind the last few days have been for this household! Rob has decided to get on board with  decorating and organizing our main living space and I think he's actually starting to enjoy it. You'll never guess what he doing right this minute... I will wait to reveal once he says I can!

This past weekend, Rob and Alex made a trip to the hardware store and picked up some supplies for our mini projects which include:

  • hanging frames and photos behind the couch 
  • hanging photos above the new desk 
  • refinishing my beloved yellow garage sale chair
  • putting up a rod and curtains in our bedroom (we've lived here for a year so we both agreed it was time)
  • adding a backing to our entertainment system to hide the wires from all of the devices
This is a start to a list of projects that we hope to accomplish before Parker's birthday party. Depending on how projects progress and how well Rob and I work together on these (ha) there may be more mini projects in our future. 

Last week I posted a picture of my work station that I slapped some paint on (you can find all of the amazing details here). In the end, we decided that $100 for a new desk which would provide a larger work space and more drawer storage was definitely worth the trip to Ikea. 

So my desk went from this:

 To this:

Meet Micke - and I love him, or her? Not sure that it matters but so far I don't have any complaints. Hey, we actually put this desk together in about thirty minutes and I don't recall any harsh words being exchanged between Rob and I. 

I have yet to take a great photo of Micke because we are still deciding what type of artwork to put above the desk, hence the pieces of paper tapped on the wall. So, once this area is a little more put together I will take a proper photo. 

Sunday, 20 January 2013

New Found Love ~ #IKEA That's no surprise. However, recently I have fallen in love with Ikea! I will admit, in the past I wasn't always a fan but the colourful decor items the stores now carry have stolen my heart. And of course, Parker loved racing sideways down the aisles in the shopping carts and Alex had a blast in the ball pit. After a few hours of shopping and our bellies full of swedish meatballs we were ready to go home. Now today we will have many projects to complete:
(1) add artwork behind the sofa
(2) add some shelves above the desk
(3) put up the new shower curtains
(4) do something about our lack of privacy in our master bathroom

I'm sure there's more to add to this list but let's not get in over our heads - we do have an almost one year old who does't seem to care for napping!

Happy Sunday!

On the Road Again 

Pit Stop @ McDonald's

Love have DVD Players in the Car - Watching "Bolt"
Parker Playing @ Ikea

Ikea. We Came. We Saw. We Conquered. We're Going Home. 

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Date Night

Our last date night was in August - I know ridiculous! My mom and dad offered to watch Parker for a few hours last Thursday night so we could get out and just relax. Ha ha yes, I said relax, but it's kind of hard to relax when a lot of the time I was thinking about Parker and what he was up to. He loves his grammy and poppa so I knew there would be no problems - in fact, I tried to say goodbye to him several times but he was too occupied playing house with his grandparents.

We travelled to the big city of Napanee (it probably took us about five minutes <insert smiley face>) and had dinner at the one and only restaurant in town, Shoeless Joes.

Of all things to order, I got chicken wings and fries ~ it was the blue cheese dipping sauce that I just couldn't resist! Can you see how excited I was??!! Rob's steak looked really good too. I should have asked for a bite!

Dinner took less than an hour and we thought we'd kind of seem REALLY lame if we went back to Parker so soon so naturally, we went shopping ~ to Walmart! Ha ha.

We picked up some essentials and two things for Parker - like I said he was on our minds the whole time!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Play Date!!

Some times, scratch that, as often enough, you just have to let the housework go and PLAY!! Parker and I spent some quality time playing in his room this afternoon. 

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Ugly Dolls = Monsters!

Part of our shopping trip last weekend included getting some monster-like decorations for Parker's birthday party. We went to "It's Your Party" and boy, are we ever glad that we did! They have a number of different catalogs that you can order from and we found some Ugly Doll decorations that matched our monster theme.

I must say, I love a good deal but... we are splurging a little bit for this party (it is after all my baby's FIRST birthday party) and surprisingly, Rob is the one that just HAD TO HAVE the party hats. However, we did buy some of the basic supplies from The Dollar Store so that helps even out the budget. Here's what we ordered and the cost breakdown:

The Piece de Resistance!
$15.00 (however totally worth it to see Parker's reaction)
* We also ordered four additional helium balloons attached to a weight.
Total Cost: $25.00


Monster Tattoos for the Goody Bags
$2.55 for 12 (we ordered two sets)
Total Cost: $5.10

Monster Party Hats
$7.00 for 6 hats (we ordered 3 sets)
Total Cost: $21.00
Monster Napkins
$5.00 (we ordered 2 sets)
Total Cost: $10.00

Colourful plates from The Dollar Store
$1.00 for 12 - bought 6 sets
Total Cost: $6.00

Carter's Mommy's Little Monster onesie
Sale Price: $4.99

Cups and googly eyes from The Dollar Store
Cups: 24 cups for $3.00
Googly Eyes: $2.00
Total Cost: $5.00

So far we've spent about $77.00 on the decorations and a birthday shirt. Like I mentioned before, I could have made cute monster party hats for about $5.00 but Rob REALLY wanted (for some unknown reason to me) the Ugly Doll ones so I blame him for the extra $15.00 expense! LOL Maybe he doesn't remember that Parker will not keep a hat on him for longer than 2 seconds.... hmmm should be interesting!!

One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other

For the past week or so I've been on an organizing/decorating craze. I'm sure it's a mixture of making the most of my last few weeks on maternity leave and the fact that we will be having a lot of guests coming to our home to celebrate Parker's birthday. The last time we entertained was back in April when my husband threw me a surprise party for my 30th birthday - sad, but I guess that's what happens when you have a new baby in the home.

In my last post I talked about adding some colour to our living room (you can find that here). I also mentioned that all of the furniture in our living/dining/office space was dark. However, Parker received a (white!!) train table for Christmas and due to the tight quarters in our main living area, the train table has been plopped down next to my desk. That being said, my desk, which I received as a gift for university, was standing out like a sore thumb. It was the only piece of furniture in our space that was beachwood. I suggested to Rob that we paint the desk white to match the train table which would ultimately brighten up the space, however he was not on board. That is until he came home from work...

Here's a picture of my cluttered desk and the mass of wires and cords behind it.

Computer Desk

While Parker was napping, I decided to take the plunge and paint the desk! Confession: I didn't take the time to sand and prime the desk before painting it for a two reasons. (1) I had a limited amount of time before Parker woke from his nap. (2) I wasn't sure if we were going to like the outcome of the painted desk. (3) If we liked the white desk, I would then take the time to sand and prime the desk, repaint it and add a finish.

Painted Desk & Train Table
We both agreed that the desk looked great white, however it still didn't fit our space. I wanted to hang some pictures or artwork behind the desk and due to the configuration of our current desk and our limited space, this wasn't possible.

So here are two options from Ikea, both very reasonably priced. I like the look of the Micke desks - they are sleek and modern and they will take up less space than our current desk which we are going to move down to the dungeon basement and Rob will use it as his workspace.

Now, just to find the time to drive to Ottawa and buy our Micke desk!!

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Colour Me Happy (with ORANGE!)

The past couple of days have been jammed packed for us (we are totally taking advantage of my last few weeks of maternity leave). Thursday night we had a date night! Friday night we got together with our extended family and celebrated December and January birthdays and this weekend we went shopping - both Saturday and Sunday ~ wooohoo!! 

We decided that our living room needed some colour. Our living room extends into our dining area, both which have huge, chunky, dark pieces of furniture i.e. our coach, entertainment stand, wall unit and dining room set - so yes, colour was much needed. 

On Saturday we purchased a couple of throw pillows from Home Sense and today we found a matching throw. 

So here is a photo of our coach with our old pillows. These pillows were recovered, however they weren't comfortable, the colours were starting to look faded and some of the seams were coming apart. 

And now, with four new pillows and our chevron throw! 

My next mission will be to replace the ottoman (I'm thinking white??) and get some artwork or photos up on the wall behind the couch. 

What do you think? At least it's a start! 

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Mealtime With (An Almost) Toddler

Parker is an excellent eater and has been since he was introduced to solids when he was almost six months old. At first we bought a few jars of baby food, however we quickly learned that Parker preferred eating "real" food i.e. whatever we were eating, which we were totally a-ok with. Not only did this mean less meal planning, but when we were out and about it was easy to feed Parker whatever we were having (for the most part).

Now that Parker is eleven months old, mealtime has become a little bit stickier trickier. Parker prefers to feed himself which inevitably means that not only does his highchair require a complete wipe down after meals, so does Parker. I may not be able to prevent him from using his fingers as combs to spread his food throughout his hair, however I can try to keep his clothes a little cleaner. We try to use a plastic bib at every meal. I find plastic bibs are much easier to clean and afterwards you just hang them to dry. However, lately Parker seems to think that bib wearing is a game and that he must tear it off as soon as possible. Well today I had an Ah ha! moment. In our bib stash, I found some bibs that had snaps rather than velcro and taadaa...problem solved, well for this meal at least. I had bought a "Mystery Bag" from Baby Heist awhile back and within the bag of goodies were these plastic bibs from Smart Kids Play Garden. The bibs I received seemed a little girlish but for now, they work for us!

So after conquering the bib situation, it got me thinking about other items that we use to help make mealtime (with an almost) toddler a little easier. So here's a list of my top favs:

Parker @ Lunch - Prima Pappa high chair, The Little Lasso & Munchkin Click Lock
(1) Plastic bibs with snap closure - also if you can get one that is a catch-all, most of the food that doesn't end up in the mouths (or hair) will catch into the bottom of the bib.

 (2) KitchenAid Chopper - We didn't buy a food chopper that was meant specifically for babies because hey, we like to eat too! We received our KitchenAid Chopper as a wedding gift and! It's easy to use for chopping and pureeing foods and I absolutely love the colour. 

(3) The Little Lasso - this was another goody from my Mystery Bag and I am soooo happy that we have one. I like this product so much that I purchased a second one to keep in our diaper bag. Parker loves to drink from a cup but he definitely has more fun throwing it onto the floor. With The Little Lasso attached to his highchair he can still throw his cup but it doesn't land on the ground which also means that our dog Maxx doesn't think to start licking it (yuk I know, but he is a dog). Little lasso's are great to attach to your stroller too!

 (4) High chair - We are currently using a Peg Perego Prima Pappa high chair that we bought used from an online garage sale site on Facebook for $50.00. I used a portable high chair while we were in Florida and it worked great, however while at home, I prefer Parker to have his own seat and keeping his mess to the washable tray. If we were to splurge and buy a NEW (gasp!) high chair I may go with the "Flair" from boon.

 (6) Munchkin Click Lock Trainer Cup - We have many different types of sippy cups however my favourite type is the Munchkin Click Lock. These cups have a tight seal and are SPILL PROOF!! Munchkin evens backs this up with a 100% replacement guarantee!

(7) A little organization goes a long way. We have three shelves in our kitchen devoted all to the little man. It may seem like a lot, but we like to have a place for everything. The photo below is of Parker's food shelf which is where we keep his cereal, cookies, Mum-Mums etc. We also keep our chopper and his lunch bag on the shelf. We keep a spoon, a bowl, a bib and some snacks in his lunch bag at all times - this helps to reduce the amount of time it takes to get Parker ready for outings.

(8) Baby Cubes - What you don't see on this shelf is a stack of Baby Cubes. Baby cubes are the perfect size for keeping leftovers for for little ones in the fridge.

Parker's Food Shelf

Below is a photo of Parker's cupboard. We bought bins from the dollar store - one is for his bottles and sippy cups and the other is for his utensils. We also keep extra Mum-Mums and Arrowroot crackers on this shelf.  We use a Tupperware for extra bibs and another bin for all of his bowls, plates and to-go containers. On the inside of the door we used two hooks to hang a couple of his bibs for easy access.
Parker's Mealtime Accessories
Hanging Bibs

(9) Boon Grass Countertop Drying Rack - I prefer to wash all of the babies dishes by hand and rather than stacking them in the sink, the Grass Drying Rack from Boon is perfect and I think it's very stylish (they now have a white version called "winter" ~ eek!). We also bought the Twig which is a great accessory to add more drying space for the smaller accessories.

(10) Munchkin Deluxe Bottle Brush - We have two of these brushes, one for Parker and one for us. These brushes are excellent for cleaning bottles and nipples - inside the handle is a nipple cleaning brush. Again, love the colours and we've been using these brushes for at least six months and have yet to show any ware

Boon Grass & Munchkin Deluxe Bottle Brush
Now the real test will be dinner time -will Parker still be wearing his "snappy" bib by the end of the meal??